Early and Adopter seem to have just noticed my blog;

  <div class="itemTitle">
    <b><a class="weblogItemTitle broken_link" href="http://radio.weblogs.com/0117167/2003/03/13.html#a183">Duncan Mackenzie Blogson</a></b>

    [Duncan Mackenzie's](https://dotnetweblogs.com/duncanma/) blogging, and no one told me!

    (And why on earth does [he](https://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dncodefun/html/code4fun01242003.asp) have C# code on his blog???)

    <font face="Arial">[<a style="COLOR: black; TEXT-DECORATION: none" href="http://radio.weblogs.com/0117167/">**<font face="Arial">Sean 'Early' Campbell & Scott 'Adopter' Swigart's Radio Weblog**</a><font face="Arial">]


and they raised a good question, why would I (I’m MSDN’s “Content Strategist” for VB, and an affirmed VB Lover) have C# code on my blog?

It isn’t by choice, that is for sure! It is his fault: Matt [Mr. Web Services] Powell

I’m doing a little bit of work on some internal utilities at MSDN and while some of them are in VB.NET, this particular one was written by that crazy Matt Powell fellow and it is all in C#. I’ve actually managed to break a few things out into their own assemblies and do them in VB.NET, but for the most part the UI is all in C#… what is a guy to do? I’ll try to avoid starting a religous debate here, but I have to at least say that the C# editor sucks compared to the VB.NET one… XML commenting aside! I’ve heard it is much closer in features to VB.NET in VS.NET 2003, but I haven’t done anything but VB.NET in that version of VS.NET, so I don’t really know…

Sadly, after only a few days of working on this system, I started adding semicolons to my VB.NET code… Is that like calling your wife by the wrong name?