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I thought “Gratis” was a really cool company name, but I guess I was wrong …
I noticed today that Gratis, the folks behind many of the more well-know “free stuff” sites have changed their name to “FreePay”… which seems like a much suckier name than Gratis. Gratis was simple, but yet meaningful. FreePay starts with the right word, but it doesn’t even make sense to me; I bet there was a legal reason behind the change.
Gratis was the company behind the free flat screen site through which I received my Sony LCD monitor, but the only sites I still follow are those run by OfferCentric, because they offer a wider range of ‘gift’ choices, usually including a PayPal option (which seems almost as good as cash to me). I’ve been sitting at 3-away on PVPs 4 Free for months now, but during that time they have added a bunch of new video players (including the Samsung portable media center, and the new Creative Zen Vision ). I’m also 3-away on MP3 Players 4 Free, and 4-away on PSPs 4 Free (that isn’t saying much, it only takes 5 to get a PSP 🙂 ) … but I’m not holding my breath, I got a free monitor out of the experience so I figure all the forms, referrals and the hassles have been worth it.
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