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Feeling the Cache Love
I’ve been working on the business and data layers for a web system and, as you might expect, I’ve been making quite a bit of use of ASP.NET’s caching system. Now, to test the business layer, I had gone ahead and set up a non-ASP.NET caching system as well using my standard method for caching in Windows applications, a static hashtable with strongly typed string keys (works well, fairly compatible with the ASP.NET cache so it is easy to move code between the two models) but then I realized that I could just use the ASP.NET cache even when my code was being used from a Windows Forms applications (for my class libraries, where I don’t know what type of interface is being used) and it works just fine.
Shared Function GetValueFromCache( _ ByVal key As String) As Object Dim myContext As HttpContext myContext = HttpContext.Current
If myContext Is Nothing Then Return HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(key) Else Return myContext.Cache.Get(key) End IfEnd Function
Shared Sub PlaceValueIntoCache( _ ByVal key As String, _ ByVal item As Object, _ ByVal cacheDuration As Integer) Dim myContext As HttpContext myContext = HttpContext.Current Dim myCache As Caching.Cache
If myContext Is Nothing Then myCache = HttpRuntime.Cache Else myCache = myContext.Cache End If
myCache.Insert(key, item, Nothing, _ Now.AddSeconds(cacheDuration), _ Caching.Cache.NoSlidingExpiration)End Sub
This might be common knowledge, but I have been handling my own non-ASP.NET caching all on my own, and this just makes it too easy. In fact, it makes it so easy that I started thinking of ways to perform even more caching in some of my Windows Forms applications… I can see many performance gains in my future!
Thoughts on this post? Feel free to reach out on Bluesky!